Lenovo G5550 Drivers For Mac

2020. 3. 22. 18:57카테고리 없음

I have installed mavericks on my lenovo g550 laptop.now i struggle having drivers to work on it (sound,video,lan,wifi). Laptop specifications through this link why mavericks,tried with yosemite but i like mavericks more as i use it on my other macbook air, i have tried lion,lion mountain,and snow could not have them booting for install (boot from usb then stuck on the white screen for ever ). I have followed the step by step guide from tonymacx68.com,evantually end up without drivers i'm struggle here,i do appreciate your help having drivers to work. I have installed mavericks on my lenovo g550 laptop.now i struggle having drivers to work on it (sound,video,lan,wifi). Laptop specifications through this link why mavericks,tried with yosemite but i like mavericks more as i use it on my other macbook air, i have tried lion,lion mountain,and snow could not have them booting for install (boot from usb then stuck on the white screen for ever ). I have followed the step by step guide from tonymacx68.com,evantually end up without drivers i'm struggle here,i do appreciate your help having drivers to work. Click to expand.Note: Please DO NOT post duplicates.


It is against the rules: Please provide complete details in your profile/signature (Profile/Settings link in upper right corner of this site) System: manufacturer/model + bootloader(Clover/Chameleon/Chimera) CPU: detailed CPU model + motherboard chipset Graphics: all graphics devices + laptop internal screen resolution For example, typical Ivy laptop: System: HP ProBook 4540s (Clover) CPU: i5-3320m/HM76 Graphics: HD4000, 1366x768 Use CPU-Z on Windows to find CPU (Core iX-xxx) and motherboard chipset (HMxx), and graphics capabilities. For a laptop, these details are important and affect critical installation procedures. It appears your laptop has GMA4500MHD which is not supported by any version of OS X.

Audio: Best result with patched AppleHDA. Google 'patch AppleHDA guide'. Search for suitable AppleHDA or patch it yourself.

Apply appropriate DSDT patches. DSDT patches you need for AppleHDA: Apply: 'Audio Layout 12' (change layout-id from 12 to the layout-id used by the patched AppleHDA) Apply: 'IRQ Fix' Determine layout-id from patched AppleHDA.kext: First you need to know your codec id in decimal.

Lenovo G5550 Drivers For Mac

Then look in the Info.plist for AppleHDAHardwareConfigDriver.kext (in PlugIns), find your codec id under HDAConfigDefault (there may be many entries in a sloppy patched AppleHDA or only one). The LayoutID that matches your codec id is the layout id you need. WiFi: Depends on having compatible hardware. Use DPCIManager-PCI List to find out what you have. Compatible chipsets and the procedures for making them work are covered here: Ethernet: What Ethernet chipset do you have? Use DPCIManager-PCIList to find out.

Click to expand.Your original question is regarding 'sound,video,lan,wifi' The specs you have provided thus far do not provide enough details. Sound: You need to know your audio codec id, which can be obtained from a Linux codec dump.

This is the first step had you followed my instructions to google for 'patch AppleHDA guide'. Video: already explained that GMA 4500MHD is not supported and will never work correctly.

Lan: You need to know the specific Ethernet chip that is in the laptop. As previously explained, you use DPCIManager-PCI List to find out what you have. Wifi: Same thing as 'lan'. You need to know what you have and replace it if it is not compatible.

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Compatible devices and the procedures for making them work are fully described at the link already provided.